More Information

Consumer Discounts is an unbiased, curated daily mailing of all the best practical deals on the internet on any given day.  That's it.  Nothing more... nothing less.

Given the speed at which algorithms change prices and clear inventory, we did a little algorithming (is that a word?) ourselves.  We pull in historically low deals on quality products across the web from only reputable source you have heard of before and feel comfortable with.

We avoid strange looking ecommerce websites promising deals that are too good to be true and a real skilled human being reviews each and every product that is added to out mailings. You can trust in our expertise.

We will not abuse this relationship

Consumer Discounts was created to aggregate the best deals on quality products from quality sources.  So why would we abuse that?  We promise the following:

1.) We do not share your email address with any third parties.
2.) We are compliant with all privacy regulations including GDPR and CCPA
3.) We will not spam you with anything other than what you signed up for.

You'll receive a daily email full of amazing deals.  That's it.

The Future

The future of Consumer Discounts is where we think all of health care should be... personalization. In the not-to-distant-future, we will be offering the ability for you to control your deals. Maybe you don't like to shop for food or batteries online, so it wouldn't make sense to have them in your feed.

This can be accomplished with a combination of manual levers and automation.  But we're not quite there yet. Hang in there!